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TOUCHWOOD LIBRARY There is an extensive library at Touchwood of books and also of CDs and audio-tapes. Personal callers may borrow most of these, for a small charge and deposit. New titles are being added all the time, you are welcome to put in a request that Carrie buys any that you’re interested in borrowing that are not yet on the list.
AUDIO MATERIAL: CDs and cassette tapes
FULL LIBRARY LIST Author: Title Alder, Vera Stanley, The finding of the third eye O’Sullivan, Terry and Natalie , Soul Rescuers 3 co-authors, , A compendium of flower essences Airey (ed), Raje, How to make white magic Allaman and Lambrou, brian and peter, Self-hypnosis Anderton, Bill, Meditation Angelo, Jack and Jan, Sacred Healing Arkati, Kristina , Spiritual Healing Ashley,
Austin, Valerie , A safe self-help guide to self hypnosis Bach, Richard , Illusions: adventures of a reluctant messiah Bach, Richard , Running from safety Baggott, Andy , Runes Bailey, Arthur, Anyone can dowse for better health Ball, Pamela, Spells, charms, talismans and amulets, complete guide to magical enchantment Ball, Pamela, The complete dream dictionary Ball, Stefan, Bloom, using flower essences for personal growth and spiritual development Barefoot doctor, Barefoot doctor, Handbook for the urban warrior: a spiritual survival guide Barefoot doctor, , Liberation Barefoot doctor, , the invincibility training: total transformation in 3 days Bartlett, Sarah, Auras and how to read them Bays,
Beasley, Michelle, Teach yourself to dream Beattie, Melody, Co-dependent no more Beck, Martha, Finding your own north star, how to claim the life you were meant to live Beck, Martha, Finding your own north star, how to claim the life you were meant to live Beck, Martha, The Joy Diet, 10 steps to a happier life Beck, Martha, The Joy Diet, 10 steps to a happier life Bethards and grace, Betty and jaclyn, seven steps to developing your intuitive powers Bharadwaj, Monisha, The Indian luck book Blake, Jack , Mindstore for personal development Bloom, William, Meditation in a changing world Bloom, William, Psychic Protection Bradford, Peter and Montse, Cooking with sea vegetables Bradon, Gregg, The Isiah effect Bristow-Bovey, darrell, I moved your cheese Brofman, Anything can be healed Bromley, D.B., Human Ageing Brunelle,
Buckman, Robert, I don't know what to say, how to help and support someone who is dying Burmeister, Alice , Practical Jin Shin Jyutsu Burns, David, 10 days to great self-esteem Buscaglia, Leo , Living, loving and learning Buscaglia, Leo , Love Buscaglia, Leo , Loving each other callahan, Roger, Tapping the Healer within Campbell-Slan, , I'm too blessed to be depressed Caplan, Mariana, Do you need a guru? Cappacchione, Lucia, Visioning: 10 steps to designing the life of your dreams Carnegie, Dale, How to stop worrying and start living Carnegie, Dale, How to win friends and influence people Carroll, Wilma, The 2-hour tarot tutor Carroll, Wilma, The 2-hour tarot tutor Castaneda, Carlos, The art of dreaming Chaffee, John, The Thinkers Way: 8 steps to a richer life, think critically, live creatively and choose freely Chestney, Kim, Psychic workshop Choquette, Sonia, Trust your vibes Clayton, Gayle, Transformative meditation Clayton, Gayle, Transformative meditation Co and Robins, , Your Hands can Heal You Cohen, darlene, Finding a joyful Life in the heart of pain (physical, emotional or spiritual suffering) Collins, Ingrid, A year of spirituality Collins, Judith, How to see ands read the human aura Cortens, Theolyn, Working with your guardian angel, 12 week programme Cortens, Theolyn, Working with your guardian angel, 12 week programme Cushnir, Raphael, Setting your heart on fire, 7 invitiations to liberate your life. Daniel, Wylie, Ramer, , Ask your Angels Davies, Brenda, The rainbow journey 7 steps to self healing Davies, Tony, Humanism Dawes, Jocelyn, The Quest De Angelis, Barbara, The REAL rules - how to find the right man for the real you. Decker, Bert, How to communicate effectively Diamond, John, C Because cowards get cancer too.. (anti alternative therapies, but a very captivating read) Dickson, Anne, A woman in your own right douglas, alfred, The tarot Dwoskin, Hale, The sedona method: getting rid of emotional baggage Dyer, Wayne, Pulling your own strings Eason, Cassandra, Complete Guide to Magic and Ritual Eason, Cassandra, Psychic protection lifts the spirit Eason, Cassandra, Runes, talk to the woman within Eden, Donna, Energy medicine Eden, Donna, Energy medicine Edwards, Gill, Living Magically, a new vision of reality Ellis , Richard , Reiki and the seven chakras Ellis and Harper, Albert and Robert, A new guide to rational living Evans, Mark , Instant Massage for Stress relief Fast, Julius, Body language Field, Lynda, Be yourself Field, Lynda, The self-esteem workbook Fisher, Mike, Beating Anger Foster, Charles, There's something I have to tell you francis and Zukof, Linda and Gary, Self empowerment journal Franks, Lynne, The seed handbook Gaarder, Jostein, Sophie's World Gaskell, Carole , Your pocket life-coach Gawain, Shakti, Living in the light workbook Gawain, Shakti, The four levels of healing Geddes and Grossett, Dictionary of dreams Gerber, Richard, Vibrational Medicine in the 21st century Gibran and Weinstock, Kahlil and Simon, The Book of Giving Gilbran, Kahlil, The eye of the prophet Glass, Lillian, He says, she says, closing the communication gap betweeen the sexes Glouberman, Dina , Life choices. Life changes Godwin, Malcolm, Who are you? 101 ways of seeing yourself Gordon and Brecher, Sol and Harold, Life is uncertain…..eat dessert first! Grabhorn, Lynn , Excuse me, your life is waiting Gray, John, Mars and Venus in love Gray, John, Mars and Venus in the bedroom Gray, John, Mars and venus on a date Gray, John, Mars and venus together forever Gray, John, Men are from mars, women are from venus Griffiths, Bede , A new vision of reality Hall, Judy , The Crystal Bible Hall, Judy , Thorsens principles of psychic protection Hamwee, John, Zero balancing, touching the energy of bone Hanley and Deville, , Tired of being tired Hanratty, J R, Palliative care of the terminally ill Hare, Beverley, Be Assertive: the
Harper, Jennifer, Nine ways to body wisdom Harris, Carol, NLP an intro guide to the art and science of excellence Harris, Thomas, I'm OK - You're OK Harrison, Eric, Teach yourself to Meditate Harrison, Thomas and Amy, Staying OK Harrold, Fiona, Be your own life coach Harrold, Fiona, The 10-minute life coach Hartvig, Kirsten, Eat for Immunity Hay, Louise, Gratitude hay, louise, heal your body Hay, Louise, Love your body Hay, Louise, The power is within you Hay, Louise, You can heal your life Hay, Louise, You can heal your life companion book Heaven, Ross, The Journey to you Heaven, Ross, The Journey to you Heller, Robert, The naked manager Hicks, Esther and jerry, Ask and it is given, learning to manifest your desires Hicks, Esther and jerry, Ask and it is given, learning to manifest your desires Higbee, Kenneth, Your memory: how it works and how to improve it Holbeche, Soozi, Changes (personal transformation and new ways of living) Holden, Miranda, Boundless Love Holford, Patrick , Optimum Nutrition for the Mind Ho-yen, , Unwind! Jeffers, susan, Feel the fear and beyond Jeffers, Susan, Feel the fear and do it anyway Johnson, Robert , Owning your own Shadow Johnson, Spencer, Who moved my cheese? Karcher, Stephen , I Ching Karlen, Barbro, When the storm comes Katie, Byron, A brief anthology of Katie's words Katie, Byron, Byron Katie on Love, sex and relationships Katie, Byron, I need your love- is that true? Katie, Byron, Loving what is Keeney, Kenton, Leslie, Passage to Power Kenton, Leslie , Journey to freedom Kenton, Leslie , Journey to freedom Kenton, Leslie , Ten steps to a new you Knight and Lomas, , Uriel’s Machine Kopp, Sheldon, If you meet the Buddah on the road, Kill him! A modern pilgrimage through myth, legend, zen and psychotherapy Krieger, Dolores, The Therapeutic Rouch Kubler-Ross,
Lambillion, Paul, How to Heal and be Healed Lawrence, Richard , The Magic of Healing Levete, Gina, Letting go of lonliness Liberman, Jacob, Take off your glasses and see Linn, Denise, Sacred space Lundberg, Paul, The book of Shiatsu Lynch, Valerie and Paul, Emotional healing in minutes Lynn, Denise, Cellular regeneration: How to heal Macgregor and gemondo, Trish and Millie, Animal totams Maffio, Carole , Facercise: give yourself a natural facelift Mailhebian, Portraits in oils, Aromatherapy Matthews, Caitlin, The psychic protection handbook McKeith, Gillian, You are what you eat McKeith, Gillian, You are what you eat Mehta, Narendra and Kundan, Indian face massage Mervyn, Leonard , Vitamins and minerals Miller, Gustavus, The dictionary of dreams 10,000 dreams explained Millichip, Phil, The Gift (spiritual poetry) Millman, Dan , Everyday Enlightenment, The 12 gateways to human potential Miln Smith and Montgomery and Evans, Bob and Lynnette , You and Stress Moondance, Wolf, Rainbow Spirit Journeys: Native american meditations and dreams Moondance, Wolf, Rainbow Spirit Journeys: Native american meditations and dreams Morningstar, Sally , Divining the future:dreams,runes,I ching tarotpalmistry, astrology etc Morse, Melvin , Transformed by the Light Muryn, Mary , Water magic: healing bath recipes for the body, spirit and soul Myss, Caroline, Invisible acts of Power Myss, Caroline, Sacred Contracts Myss, Caroline, The Creation of Health Myss, Caroline , Why People don’t heal and how they can Neale, Tony , Channelling for everyone Nesfield-Cookson, Bernard, Rudolf Steiner's vision of love. Spiritual science and the logic of the heart. Newham, Paul, The Healing Voice Nolan-Hoeksema, , Women who think too much O'brien, Stephen , Angels by my side O'Connor, Joseph, NLP workbook Oriah mountain dreamer, The Invitation Orloff, Judith , Intuitive Healing Ortzen, Tony, The Seed of Truth, more teachings from Silver Birch Osumi and Ritchie, Ikuko and Malcolm, The shamanic healer Japanese Seiki-jutsu Parry, Glyn, Eight steps to heaven, a simple guide into self-awareness and spiritual development Parry, Glyn, Eight steps to heaven, a simple guide into self-awareness and spiritual development Peale, Norman Vincent, Why some positive thinkers get powerful results Pearce, Stewart, The alchemy of voice Pearl, Eric, The Reconnection, heal others, heal yourself Pease, Alan and Barbara, Why men lie and women cry Peiffer, Vera, How to say no when you feel you ought to say yes. How to escape the duty trap. Pert, Candace, Molecules of Emotion Pierce, Penney, The Intuitive Way Platt, Vanessa Lloyd, Secrets of Relationship success Plimmer and King, Martin and Brian, Beyond coincidence Postle, Denise, The Mind Gymnasium, new age guide to self-realisation Prabhupada, , A Second Chance Prabhupada, , The Science of Self-Realisation Proto, Loius , Meditation for everybody Proto , Loius , Total relaxation in 5 steps Pym, Jim, You don't have to sit on the floor Quinn, Gary, Living in the spiritual zone Raphael, Edwin, Complete book of dreams Redfield, James, The Celestine Prophecy Reeve, Christopher, Nothing is impossible Reeve, Christopher, Still me Righton, Caroline, The life audit, take control of your life now, every minute counts Righton, Caroline, The life audit, take control of your life now, every minute counts Roberts, Billy, 10-step Psychic development programme Roberts, Monty, Horse sense for people Roet, brian and peter, The Confidence to be yourself Rogers, Carl , Client-centered therapy Rutherford, Leo, Your Shamanic path Schaef, Anne, Meditations for women who think too much Schumacher, E F, Small is Beautiful Seall, Alex, Intuitive living Sebastian, Ulla, Growing through joy Segal, Jeanne , Raising your emotional intelligence, a practical guide Selby, John, Quiet your mind Selby, John, Conscious healing, visualisations to boost your immune system selby, john, Quiet your mind Sharman-Burke & Greene, Juliet and Liz, The Mythic Tarot Sherwood, Jane , Peter's Gate, a book for the elderly Sherwood, Jane , Peter's Gate, a book for the elderly Shine, Betty, Mind Waves Shreeve, , Life is good Simonton, Carl, Getting well again simpkins, Alexander and Annellen, Self-hypnosis plain and simple Simpson, Liz, Working from the heart Skinner, Stephen , Feng Shui Smart, Ted , Feng Shui in 10 simple lessons Smith, Manuel , When I say no I feel guilty Smith, Robert , On remembering your past lives, Edgar Cayce Soroka, George, Biofeedback without machines Souter, Keith, Curecraft Spezzano, Chuck, 50 ways to change your mind and change the world Spezzano, Chuck, 50 ways to change your mind and change the world Spezzano, Chuck, Whole Heartedness Springett, Ulli , Make your dreams come true Springett, Ulli , Make your dreams come true Springett, Ulli , Symbol Therapy Stewart and Joines, Ian and Vann, T A today (transactional analysis) Stewart and Sullen, , Learning to counsel Stock, Gregory, The book of questions: Love and sex Stockwell, Christine , Nature’s pharmacy Sumner, Holly, The Meditation Sourcebook: Meditation for mortals Svirinskaya, Alla, Energy secrets: The ultimate well-being plan Svirinskaya, Alla, Energy secrets: The ultimate well-being plan Tolle, Echart, Practising the power of now Tolle, Eckhart, A new earth: awakening to your life's purpose Townsend, Robert, Life is uncertain…..eat dessert first! Twigg, Stephen , The Kensington Diet Ullman and Zimmerman, Montague and Nan, Working with dreams Vallely, Bernadette, 1001 ways to save the planet Various, Various, Chicken Soup for the Soul various, various, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul Various, Various, Holy Bible various, , Social encounters Vennells, David, Healing Hands (reflexology) Villoldo, Alberto , Shaman, Healer,Sage Walsch, Neale Donald, Questions and Answers on conversations Walsh, Neale Donald , Communion with God Walsh, Neale Donald , Conversations with God book 1 Walsh, Neale Donald , Friendship with God Welch, Robyn Elizabeth, Conversations with the body: …a medical intuitive Whittaker, Hazel , Develop your Psychic ability Wildewood, Chrissie, Mood enhancing plants Wildewood, Stuate, Affirmations Williams, Nick , The Work we were born to do Wilson, Linda , Becoming a complementary therapist Wilson, Paul, Calm at work Witkin-Lanoil, Georgia, Coping with Stress: A Woman's Guide Wood, Jan Morgan, Easy to use Shamanism Wood, Jan Morgan, Easy to use Shamanism Wood, Perry, Secrets of the people whisperer Worwood, Valeria Ann , The Fragrant Heavens aromatherapy Zukof, Gary, The seat of the soul A Course in Miracles A guide to biochemic tissue salts Dreams:hidden meanings and secrets Essential meditation, everyday exercises to quieten the mind Games people play
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