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CHAKRA MEDITATION Visualisation is a simple and extremely effective way of accessing inner peace and wisdom;
as well as to create real healing. Realisations and answers found through meditation and visualisation help to ease your passage through life in many ways, such as understanding issues more deeply or allowing blockages to melt away. CHAKRA IMAGES designed by Carrie of Touchwood CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FULL RANGE The images below have an intense, hypnotic quality helping you immerse yourself in the here and now whilst imbibing qualities associated with each chakra colour. Full sets of these images are available for you to download. Such sets will be full sized rather than the tiny ones shown here. (these are 222 pixels wide and the full sized ones are 2816 pixels). You can print these out to use anywhere at approximately 40 x 30 cms (15.6 x 11.7 inches), or smaller. Typical photo-sized ones are great to choose one each morning (like you might choose a crystal or essence) to accompany you through the day, encouraging those particular qualities into your life. You can add notes on the back of each to remind you what each chakra means to you, or affirmations to develop certain qualities from that chakra. Why not use them as a screensaver or wallpaper on your computer...as well as full-sized pictures on your walls....every room of the house could benefit! Prices: £6 for a set of 8 downloaded for your own use. There are alternatives to choose from, please follow this link to make your choice. Buy more and get them for as little as 50p each! Also available as a set of 8 x A5 double-sided cards. LOOK NOW
Do you know about chakras? It can be helpful if you do...you can always do a google-search. meanwhile here's all you need to know to get started. Chakras are part of our energy body rather than the physical body. They may be thought of as bright wheels of light along the length of our spine and into the skull. This meditation will guide you to each area and reveal the colour associated with within.
NB If you are not 'happy' with any of the wordings...that's fine...substitute your own words, just go with what it all means to you and what feels right in the circumstances.
Q How do I use the pictures below? A Breathe in with that colour. Look gently. Gaze easily. Allow yourself to be lost in them, gently exploring with your eyes, being drawn from one part to another. become as one with the picture and its colour. . Q How long should I meditate on each pictures? A That's up to you and how you feel at the time. Sometimes one picture may take to 5 minutes because you are enjoying it so much, whilst the others can't absorb your interest for even a minute. Go with that. The total meditation may be, say half an hour, but 10-15 minutes would be fine, or even 15 seconds as a quickie when you need it as you rapidly tune in and scan the photos.
When you’re ready, take time out, switch off the phone. You may wish to
have 7 or 8 suitably coloured crystals with you to hold at the relevant time.
Sit or lie comfortably, with a straight spine.
Breathe quietly and deeply, becoming aware of how your tummy moves in and out
with each breath, just like a baby's. Allow
each breath to become slightly and gently longer…….especially allowing the
outbreath to lengthen as you relax and gently expel the air….and allow full
relaxation to continue the outbreath until you naturally take an inbreath.
Allow your mind to trace over your body, noticing any tension and allowing it
just to release….to let go and drift away, gently.
Allow your attention to rest at the base of your spine, at the 'Base Chakra'. This is where we are rooted into this world, gaining our identity through our family and tribe and country, and the beliefs that accompany that sense of self. Red is the colour associated with this base chakra, and it loves structure, so allow yourself to be fully immersed in the wonder and structure of this image, and to know that, despite are differences, we are all one.
And when you're ready, allow your attention now to rest just below your tummy button, at the 'Sacral Chakra'. Here is not only your sexuality but your creativity in all its wondrous ways. The associated colour is orange. A strong sacral chakra is empowering. It reminds us of our need for relationships with those around us, yet also our need for boundaries. Knowing who to 'let in' to our lives, and where to draw the line. From this chakra we can honour our own creativity and passion, as well as those of other. Fire in the belly indeed!
And when you're ready, allow your attention now to come to your solar plexus, just under the ribs at the diaphragm, this is your 'Solar Plexus Chakra', and is associated with yellow. Just as the sun (solar) powers the universe, this chakra powers us. It is our own powerhouse, our own power centre. Allow your personality to come shining through. Oh, how often we block this area! As we swallow down hurts and resentments, as past emotional issues continue to harem us well past their allotted time. Let them go, breathe them out as you regard the picture, and know that you are more. You are a wonderful being, a child of God and you walk in God's ways. Allow yourself to be the centre of your world and love yourself. Put yourself first, you deserve it.
And when you're ready, follow your attention to your heart, at the 'Heart Chakra', and feel yourself infused with love with each and every beat of your heart. You don't have to even think about it: your heart just beats, sometimes more, sometimes less, exactly what you need at each particular time. So, too, does the love that God has for you, beat down and permeate the very fabric of your make-up and being. This chakra vibrates within the green spectrum, like the light from our beautiful green-clothed planet itself. Here in the heart we feel compassion, love, tenderness for ourselves, for others, for the animals and plants that share our lives, and for this wonderful Earth on which we live and breathe. Breathe now. Breathe into the heart and soul of you....and of all others of this race of Man. Breathe the love, breathe with love. Most of all, love for ourselves, for when we are full of love, so too are we full to love freely. Let it be so.
And now that you are fulfilled with love, you're ready to allow your attention now to rest at the 'Throat Chakra'. Breathe in the colour blue to this area which is responsible for communication at all levels. How do you express yourself? In what you think and say and do. Breathe in God's truth and let it illuminate your needs and wishes and desires. Give praise for your senses of hearing and ability to speak out your desires as well as your profound ability to act. Know with every atom of your being: "I can and I do".
And soon your attention is ready to drift to your centre brow, to your 'Brow Chakra' commonly known as your 'Third Eye'. Here is based all true knowledge of yourself and other individuals. Not superficial knowledge based on appearances or hearsay, but the true depths found within the perception of this approach when working within the eye of God. It is true. It cuts through appearances and lets us know the God within and without, who is always at our call and thus within 'sight' at all times. With insight. God's inspiration and knowledge and Truth, and your ability to discern that within, from that appearances without. You are a wise being at all times when you work from this chakra. All else is illusion, do not be drawn by it, instead stay sane at the outermost limit of this world by breathing deep in the indigo of this chakral benefit of discernment and light.
Your attention now rises to the very top of your head, to the 'Crown Chakra'. Blessed peace is here. All that you need to know of joy and life is here. Bliss. Blessed peace. Await awhile here. surrender, and draw succour. Violet resounds within your very being, your soul at this level. Harken to it and vibrate truly yourself too at this level. Enjoy the divine moment, a sacrosanct moment, a moment of blissful peace and acknowledging that all is one, all is Truth and the Truth: divine. Be nourished at every place in your soul. You are God's and he is yours to enjoy. Live now. Be.
And your awareness is becoming ready to close this meditation, be aware now of a brighter, whiter light above you: God's kingdom indeed, come to meet you half-way to your life. Breathe it in deep and know it lodges now into every recess in your being, into every nook and cranny until everything responds and sparkles with the bright white light of knowledge and security in The One. Draw the light around you like a cloak keeping away dis-ease and wrapping you in harmony, and light and bliss. Now and for always. Amen.
When you are ready, come back to the room and these writings. You may wish to briefly travel down through the chakras again: from the violet Crown to the indigo Third Eye and passing to the blue Throat chakra. From resting at the green Heart chakra move down to the yellow Solar Plexus and through the orange Sacral chakra before resting again where you started: the base chakra. Feel the groundedness of this red chakra, even as you are still a whole being vibrating with the whole array of the colours of the spectrum within you. Feel also the light reaching down from the base of your spine, entering the Earth and rooting deep within it to also bring in the blessing of the Earth's special energy and leave you locked tight to the very physical being you are here on your sojourn on this Earth. All is one, all is light, and now it is time for you to return to your day. God bless.
Visualisation is a simple and extremely effective way of accessing inner peace and wisdom;
as well as to create real healing. Realisations and answers found through meditation and visualisation help to ease your passage through life in many ways, such as understanding issues more deeply or allowing blockages to melt away.
CHAKRA IMAGES designed by Carrie of Touchwood CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FULL RANGE The images above have an intense, hypnotic quality helping you immerse yourself in the here and now whilst imbibing qualities associated with each chakra colour. Full sets of these images are available for you to download. Such sets will be full sized rather than the tiny ones shown here. (these are 222 pixels wide and the full sized ones are 2816 pixels). You can print these out to use anywhere at approximately 40 x 30 cms (15.6 x 11.7 inches), or smaller. Typical photo-sized ones are great to choose one each morning (like you might choose a crystal or essence) to accompany you through the day, encouraging those particular qualities into your life. You can add notes on the back of each to remind you what each chakra means to you, or affirmations to develop certain qualities from that chakra. Why not use them as a screensaver or wallpaper on your computer...as well as full-sized pictures on your walls....every room of the house could benefit! Prices: £6 for a set of 8 downloaded for your own use. There are alternatives to choose from, please follow this link to make your choice. Buy more and get them for as little as 50p each! LOOK NOW
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Copyright Carrie Thomas 2015 ALL copyright on images is retained by Carrie. Any bought images are given for your own use only.